List of burial places of biblical figures

The following is a list of burial places attributed to Biblical personalities according to various religious and local traditions. In order to pay homage, celebrate, and commemorate great people of the Bible, tombs and monuments were established on locations where people believe that the person was buried. The locations listed are not based on factual evidence, but rather locations mentioned in the text of the Bible or oral traditions of indigenous peoples. Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Jordan and Iran have put monuments on the grave locations in an attempt to preserve them as holy sites. Many sites have been transmitted from generation to generation and there are historical accounts from travellers which state their existence. The scope of this article is limited to figures mentioned in the Old Testament.


Figures mentioned in the Torah

Biblical figure Place name and location Image Notes
Adam Judaism: Midrash says Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron, Judea/Samaria, Alternate name:West bank (pictured)

Sunni Islam: Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Shia Islam: Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq

Eve Judaism: Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron (pictured)

Islam: Tomb of Eve, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Abel Shia Islam: Nabi Habeel Mosque, Zabadani Valley, Syria .
Seth In Judaism: Tiberias, Israel[1]
In Islam: Al-Nabi Shayth, Lebanon
. .
Noah Islam: Tomb of Noah, Nakhichevan, Disputed territory between Armenia and Azerbaijan

There is also another site for the Tomb of Noah in Cizre, Turkey

Shia Islam: Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq

Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Esau and Leah Judaism: Cave of the Patriarchs, Al Khalil Hebron, Judea/Samaria West Bank According to Jewish tradition, only Esau's head is buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs. According to legends, Ishmael was buried here as well.
Lot Islam: Bani Na'im, near Hebron (2 miles away), West Bank, Judea and Samaria Bani Na'im houses the tomb of the patriarch/prophet Lot in the center of the town. The tomb is located within rectangular mosque with an inner court and minaret. Lot's tomb is first mentioned by catholic scholar Saint Jerome of Jerusalem in the 4th century CE.

According to Muslim legend, Lot lived in Bani Na'im before moving to Sodom. The shrine encasing the tomb was restored in 1410 by the Mamluk sultan Nasir al-Faraj, son of Sultan Barquq. The restoration work was entrusted by him to Shams al-Din al-Ansari, a member of Ansari family which specialized in religious endowments ("waqf). The tomb of his daughters are on an opposite hill nearby. To the southeast of Bani Na'im is a shrine dedicated to Lot, known as Maqam an-Nabi Yatin ("Shrine of the Truthful Prophet"). Local legend claims Lot prayed at the site and imprints of his feet in a rock there are visible. According to Muslim legend and Catholic tradition, Bani Na'im is the place where the patriarch/prophet Abraham, after the departure of the angels, saw the smoke of Sodom and Gomorrah rising as the smoke of a furnace.

Rachel Rachel's Tomb, outside Bethlehem, Rachel died on the eleventh day of the Hebrew month of Heshvan, and was buried by Jacob on the road to Efrat, just outside Bethlehem. Today Rachel's Tomb, located between Bethlehem and the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, is visited by tens of thousands of visitors each year. According to some scholars, Rachel was actually buried in Ramah further north of modern day Bethlehem. The structure was built in 1841 by Sir Moses Montifeore. This is a place where barren women would pray to have children. 11 Hesvan is the tradition date of Rachel's death.
Zilpah and Bilhah Tomb of the Matriarchs, Tiberias, Israel . .
Reuben Nabi Rubin, Palmachim, Israel During the Ottoman period Arabs would gather each year at the Mamluk-era structure. Nowadays, infrequent Jewish visitors come to pray at the site.
Judah Yehud, Israel[2] . .
Simeon Kibbutz Eyal, Israel. Others says it is located at Kafr Manda or Kafr Katan, near Jenin, Judea Samaria/West Bank[2] . .
Asher Nevei Ta'ari, near Kfar Sirkan, or Kafr Manda, or Tubas, or near Ain Al-Jadur, west of Salt, Jordan. . .
Gad Nevei Ganda, in Rehovot, Israel, or Ain Al-Jadur, west of Salt, Jordan. . .
Dan Beit Shemesh, Israel[3] . .
Zebulun Tomb of Zebulun, Sidon, Lebanon . In the past, towards the end of Iyyar, Jews from the most distant parts of Palestine and the Jews who lived in Lebanon would make a pilgrimage to this tomb.[4]
Joseph According to Jews: Joseph's Tomb, Nablus(Shchem), West Bank, Judea and Samaria, (pictured);
According to Muslims: Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron, West Bank, Judea and Samaria
Some others consider Joseph to have been buried next to the Cave of the Patriarchs, where a mediaeval structure known as the kalah (castle) is now located.

Some archaeologists believe that the site in Nablus is a few centuries old and could contain the remains of a Muslim sheikh named Yusef Al-Dwaik.

Benjamin Kfar Sava, Israel Two structures 30 m away from each other are each claimed by Jews and Muslims as the authentic tomb. This site is questionable, however, because it is not located in the territory of the Tribe of Benjamin.
Serah Pir-i Bakran, near Esfahan, Iran[5] . .
Ephraim and Manasseh Joseph's Tomb, Nablus, West Bank, Judea and Samaria .
Jochebed, Miriam, Zipporah and Elisheva Tomb of the Matriarchs, Tiberias, Israel . .
Moses Mount Nebo (Jordan) According to the Bible, the exact place of Moses' grave remains unknown, in order to impede idolatry.
Aaron Tomb of Aaron: Mount Hor mentioned in the Bible is identified by some as Mount Harun (Aaron's Mountain) near Petra, Jordan.

At 1350 meters above sea-level, it is the highest peak in the area; it is believed to be the place where Aaron died and was buried. A 14th century mosque stands here with its white dome visible from most areas in and around Petra.
Eleazar Awarta, West Bank, Judea and Samaria[6] . Due to the uncertain security situation, the Israel Defence Forces limits visits by Jews to one annual night close to the 5th of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar (around January–February).
Ithamar Awarta, West Bank, Judea and Samaria . Ibid.
Jethro In Judaism and Druzism: Jethro's Tomb, Hittin, overlooking the Sea of Galilee;
In Islam: Wadi Shoaib, just west of Mahis, Jordan, although Islam also attributes other sites located in the Sinai and in historical Palestine.[7]
Each year on April 25, the Druze gather at the site to discuss community affairs.[8]
Aholiab Sujod, Southern Lebanon[9] . .

Figures mentioned in the Nevi'im (Prophets)

Biblical figure Place name and location Image Notes
Nun Timnath-heres, attributed to Kifl Hares, Salfit Governorate, West Bank, Judea and Samaria, Israel .
Joshua Timnath-heres, attributed to Kifl Hares, Salfit Governorate, West Bank, Judea and Samaria, Israel Thousands make the pilgrimage to his tomb on the annual commemoration of his death, 26th of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar.
Caleb Timnath-heres, attributed to Kifl Hares, Salfit Governorate, West Bank, Judea and Samaria, Israel .
Othniel Ben Kenaz Hebron, West Bank, Judea and Samaria, Israel [10] . .
Shamgar Tebnine, Lebanon[11] . .
Deborah, Barak and Yael Tel Kaddesh, Israel[12] .
Samson Beit Shemesh, Israel[13] . .
Elkanah Kedita, Upper Galilee, Israel[14] . .
Hannah and Samuel Tomb of Samuel, West Bank, Judea and Samaria [15] (pictured). Other sources claim Samuel's tomb is located 30 km outside Saveh City, Iran. Both Jewish and Muslim prayers are held at the tomb. Many religious Jews visit the tomb on the 28th of Iyar, the anniversary of Samuel the Prophet's death.
Jesse and Ruth Hebron, West Bank, Judea and Samaria, Israel . .
David David's Tomb, Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Israel .
Absalom Yad Avshalom, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem,Israel Archaeologists have dated the 'tomb' to the first century CE. It is believed to be the 'tomb' of Absalom. It may contradict 2 Samuel 18:17 which says Absalom's body was covered over with stones in a pit in the forest of Ephraim.
Abner ben Ner Hebron, West Bank , Judea and Samaria, Israel[16] .
Isaiah Esfahan, Iran[17] or Nahal Dishon, (Israel) . .
Hushai Yirka, Israel . .
Iddo Golan Heights,[18] . .
Jehoshaphat Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel[19] . .
Elisha Elisha's Tomb. Disputed between: near Mt. Carmel, West Bank, Judea and Samaria or Kfar Yassif near Acre, Israel . .
Huldah Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel. Other sources place it adjacent to the Huldah Gates[20] . .
Zedekiah Cave of Zedekiah, Old City of Jerusalem, Israel[21] . .
Ezekiel Ezekiel's Tomb, Al Kifl, Iraq Up till the mid-20th century, up to 5,000 Jews used to come to the tomb during Passover.[22] Muslims believe this tomb to be that of an unspecified personality named Dhul-Kifl. (For an image of the tomb, see:[23]) This site was protected under the control of Saddam Hussein.
Baruch ben Neriah Al Kifl, Iraq . His tomb is located about 1-mile (1.6 km) away from Ezekiel's Tomb
Hosea Ancient Jewish cemetery of Safed[24] .
Amittai (father of Jonah) Islam: Beit Ummar, near Hebron, West Bank, Judea and Samaria . Mosque of Nabi Matta: The main mosque in Beit Ummar housing the tomb of Nabi Matta or Amittai, father of Jonah. Mujir ad-Din writes that Matta was "a holy man from the people of the house of the prophecy." Nearby Halhul houses the tomb of Jonah with the inscription reading "Yunus ibn Matta" or "Jonah son of Amittai", confirming that Matta is indeed the Arabic name for Amittai and the Beit Ummar tomb is dedicated to Amittai. In 1226, the Ayyubid sultan al-Mu'azzam built a mosque with a minaret under the supervision of Jerusalem governor Rashid ad-Din al-Mu'azzami. The Mamluks constructed some additions to the mosque and engraved several inscriptions on its surface.[7]
Jonah Judaism: Mashhad, Israel. Islam: Halhul, near Beit Ummar, Hebron. There is however another famous site for the tomb of Jonah, Mosque of the Prophet Yunus, Mosul, Iraq. . .
Micah Kabul, Israel[25] . .
Nahum Al Qush, south of Dahuk, Iraq. There are however two other sites mentioned in historical accounts: Elkesi, near Ramah in the Galilee and Elcesei in the West Bank , Judea and Samaria.[26] . .
Habakkuk Some locate it at Hokuk, others at Kadarim, Israel.[27][28] Others at Toyserkan, Iran.[29] (pictured) .
Zephaniah En-Nabi Safi, Southern Lebanon[30] . .
Haggai and Malachi Tomb of the Prophets, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem[31] . .
Zechariah In Druzism: Abu Sinan, Israel . .

Figures mentioned in the Ketuvim (Writings)

Biblical figure Place name and location Image Notes
Job In Druzism: Chouf District, Lebanon (pictured). Yaqut al-Hamawi recorded that it was located in Nawa, Syria, while another tradition locates it at Salalah, Oman .
Jesse and Ruth Hebron, West Bank, Judea and Samaria,Israel . This location is in a cave. Today it is surrounded by IDF security and visitors usually light candles there and read passages from Psalms in their memories.
Mordecai and Esther Tomb of Esther and Mordechai, Hamedan, Iran Persian Jews still make annual pilgrimage in honor of the Purim festival.
Daniel Tomb of Daniel, Susa, Iran (pictured). There are however six other traditional sites including Kirkuk in Iraq and Samarkand in Uzbekistan At the site in Kirkuk, the locales claim that Hananiah, Mishael, and Azaria are buried alongside Daniel.
Ezra Ezra's Tomb, Al-'Uzayr, near Basra, Iraq Preserved by Jewish caretakers until the middle of the 20th century. From that point, a local Muslim Iraqi took the responsibility of preserving the location. The area surrounding the tomb is used today as a place of Muslim worship although Hebrew inscriptions are still present in the room. Located where Tigris and Euphrates meet. .
Lamech Islam: Tomb of Lamech, Mihtarlam, Afghanistan . .
Zechariah ben Jehoiada Tomb of Zechariah, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel .

See also


  1. ^ מקומות קדושים | קברי צדיקים - גליל תחתון - טבריה - שת בן אדם הראשון - SYT
  2. ^ a b האבות, האמהות, הבנים והנביאים
  3. ^ דן בן יעקב
  4. ^ Pilgrimage in Palestine
  5. ^ Goldman, Shalom (1995). "The Women of the Joseph Story". The Wiles of Women, The Wiles of Men. New York: SUNY Press. p. 115. ISBN 0791426831. 
  6. ^ אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן
  7. ^ Shuayb
  8. ^ Druze Revered Sites in Palestine: Jethro's Tomb
  9. ^ נחלת אשר
  10. ^ Otniel ben Knaz
  11. ^ - המשך ענין לבנון
  12. ^ מקומות קדושים | קברי צדיקים - הגליל העליון ואצבע הגליל - גבול לבנון - ברק בן אבינעם - SYT
  13. ^ שמשון הגיבור
  14. ^ אלקנה
  15. ^ מקומות קדושים | קברי צדיקים - ירושלים - צפון ירושלים - שמואל הנביא - SYT
  16. ^ Tomb of Avner ben Ner (Abner) in Hebron
  17. ^ Freedman, Warren. (1984) World Guide for the Jewish Traveler. NY: E.P. Dutton Inc
  18. ^ עידו הנביא
  19. ^ יהושפט
  20. ^ חולדה הנביאה
  21. ^ מקומות קדושים | קברי צדיקים - ירושלים - העיר העתיקה - מערת צדקיהו - SYT
  22. ^ Passover pilgrimage to Ezekiel's tomb in Iraq
  23. ^
  24. ^ הושע הנביא
  25. ^ מיכה הנביא
  26. ^ Renovation- Al Qush Synagogue and the Tomb of Nahum
  27. ^ חבקוק הנביא
  28. ^ Hukkok
  29. ^ آلبوم عکسهای تویسرکان
  30. ^ המשך ענין לבנון
  31. ^ חגי הנביא